Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm Back.....(life lessons from Makena)

It's been awhile but I finally got away from that hoochie who kisses me all the time and is always saying "NO" to me. I mean seriously, is it really necessary to tell me what to do when I'm just gonna do what I want anyway? Blame it on my youth all you want, but the truth is, I got those parents (and grandparents for that matter) wrapped around my finger.

It's been a pretty great life so far - 15 months old and learning something new every day. For example: I learned today that if I take all of the magnets off the fridge and throw them on the floor they make a really neat sound. I learned yesterday that throwing spaghetti at my dad during dinnertime causes him to get very red in the face (literally). I've also learned that taking my clothes off and running around naked is a very free-ing experience that I enjoy immensely.

My favorite pastimes are still eating, pooping and bathing (in that order). I also enjoy drinking from any drink that is not my own (I mean - really? A sippy cup? Just give me whatever you've got and I'll handle it) I also love being thrown in the air by my huge dad - everyone thought I'd be scared but I guess they forgot I am a GANSTA - that means I don't get scared (as you can see from the pictures below). Hope you bitches enjoy all the pics of me getting my way (as always).

Peace - Kena-Bear- OUT.


Jeanne said...

Yay - Kenabear is back! Nice way to point like a pro when Dad is tossing you.

Jen said...

Missed you, Kena! And OMG, how high are you in the air when Daddy throws you up?! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks x Calum

Tara Holmes said...

Her hair is growing! She is the cutest. LOVE the pic of her in the air pointing. No phased at all that she could fall.