Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8 months

Our little princess is semi-crawling (she gets distracted pretty easily as you can see from the video...not sure where she gets that?)

She turned 8 months old last week - can't believe how fast time goes by. Parents always say that but you really don't get it till you have a baby and watch them grow - sometimes I just want to stop time!

She is now waving like a pagent-girl (not going to pretend that doesn't make me proud) and clapping. She LOVES playing Peek-A-Boo and Where's the Baby with the her favorite blankie.

She went in the swing at the park for the first time today....as you can tell by the pictures - she wasn't sure at first if she liked it (she made her "worried face" that I think makes her look just like her dad!) Then she started swinging and thought it was pretty cool. Love all the faces she makes. So weird how sometimes she can look exactly like me and sometimes not at all. I could spend all day watching the different expressions she's learning how to make.


Alexis said...

You have such a beautiful little girl! Looking at everyone's baby photos gives me baby fever B.A.D.

I'm so glad that you've found such happiness! You look so amazingly happy :)

Jen said...

She's a little gymnast! That's not kind of crawling, she totally is crawling! Super cute, loved the latest pics and love you guys x

Tara Holmes said...

I agree. Totally crawling! Cutie!